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Showing posts from July, 2008

A Radio Interview

Jennifer and I were interviewed about Web 2.0 and our scholarship to Japan last month by Mario Sarlengue for Radio Universidad de La Plata. This interview was in Spanish - sorry Webheads :( Anyway, I would like to share it with you. Click on the links below, turn on your speakers and listen to our wonderful voices :-) Part one Part two Enjoy the interview. Nelba

Getting Ready for Japan

Dear Writing Matrix participants: I am sorry I have been absent for some time... but I have a good excuse. I am getting ready to my trip to Japan. I got a scholarship for the Congress about Technology applied to Language Learning. The Congress will take place in Fukuoka. I am going to travel with three more Webheads: Jennifer, Evelyn and Erika. We are going to meet some other Webheads in Japan , too: Hala, Nina and Vance! I will keep you informed about this wonderful experience in a new blog. Nelba